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2020 Project of Function Improvement and Data Maintenance for the Environmental Education Certificate System

To facilitate the reviewing of various environmental education certificates and improve the efficiency of application and review processes, the Environmental Professionals Training Institute (EPTI) of the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan established the Environmental Education Certificate System (EECS) in 2011. This system provides numerous functions, including online certificate application, certificate renewal, and the management on the administration end of reviewing and certification processes. This year, in response to the termination of extension function support from Microsoft, this project upgraded the operation system, as well as relocated and integrated the database hosts. In addition, in line with the bilingual policy proposed by the Executive Yuan, the home page of the EECS website incorporated a bilingual option, and English certificates could be issued to improve the overall service. To integrate the activity results reporting on mobile devices and the original activity management subsystem, this project adjusted the logic and reporting method of the existing system to incorporate all functions to create a single reporting platform. Users could register the venue in the system in advance. Photos were later taken during the activity and uploaded through the reporting function on mobile devices to verify the presence of participants to serve as the proof of learning hours. This method could reduce the confusion of venues and resolve the problem of duplicated records. This project also improved the functions of the EECS and added an inquiry function for users to access course information and submit online registration to simplify the procedure and provide quality service. This project organized five counseling meetings to introduce the operation of EECS for environmental education institutions to assist in holding classes and reporting results. The meetings focused on the functional optimization in activity management system and subsidy/donation process. The project officer of the EPTI also participated in the meetings and explained the details of system management and subsidy/donation process in 2021. The participants took a pre- and post-test and finished a questionnaire regarding the functional requirements. The results will serve as a reference for future system optimization. This year, the filed certificates included a total of 509 for environmental education personnel, six for venues, one for an organization, and eight personal data modifications.
Environmental education certificate, Environmental education personnel, Environmental education institution, Environmental education venue, Environmental education certificate renewal, Environmental education subsidy/donation